Are You Frightened of Public Speaking?

Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking

Are you frightened of Public Speaking and dread it when you know you are going to have to do it? This is a very common problem.

Public Speaking can be terrifying if you don’t know what you are doing or have techniques to improve your skill.

I love teaching public speaking, giving people tips, tricks,  techniques (and treats!) on how to over come fear, deliver a smooth and confident performance and truly, and this is the part that may shock you – actually enjoy themselves!

Yes, public speaking can actually be fun!

Public Speaking is a skill and a skill at which everybody, yes everybody can get better at – I promise you. And once you have learned the techniques from me you have them for life and they will continue to benefit you and enable you to better your career and improve your income.

So if Public Speaking terrifies you,  as much as walking through a grave yard at midnight, or the children next door, pouring raw eggs and flour through your letter box, I have the perfect and cheap (!) solution!

If you can’t afford face to face training with me, the Public Speaking Good Witch –  I have written a book with loads of Tips And Tricks For Your Successful Public Speaking – coming out in January 2018.

Tips & Tricks for Your Successful Public Speaking, is so effective, that it will teach you how to become as self-reliant as you can be, without the third eye of a top voice coach like myself.

The third eye, is what a director is, for actors performing a play, somebody to see what you are doing and give you helpful feedback and guidance for a successful performance.

BUT –  my book is  a self-help book that will instruct and equip you how to be the third eye and you can read for your self, how successful this has been for others..

There are some other spin offs from Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Public Speaking too – a feeling of being good at this.

You will also feel much calmer and at peace with your self – surprised? Follow the steps and prepared to be surprised, very surprised!

… but in a good way, not like the flour and eggs mentioned above 🙂

Everything you need to know, about how to be an engaging public speaker, is in this book and as long as you follow the steps, as they are set out, you will be incredibly proud of yourself.

I know you will learn a lot  – but I also think you’ll  really enjoy the preparation tasks along the way, to make you look and sound fabulous!

So, I hope you have a super spooky Halloween and watch this space for your Tips, Tricks AND Treats for Public Speaking –

coming soon …


Spells & Frogs Legs,

Also know as Spooky Spoon in the Numberjacks, the award winning BBC TV series

To contact me regarding Public Speaking please call me on 07967 358 796 or email me on