
Rachel Preece MA Elocution, Accent Reduction or Accent Softening, Public Speaking Voice Coach

Lady Rachel Preece Voice Coach Public SpeakingThe Royal Academy of Dramatic Art – MA
King’s College, London University – MA
Ian Adam ~ Singing
Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art – Distinction 
St James’s  College (Business) now Quest Professional Diploma
Cambridge University – Life Coaching Certificate of Attendance. 

Located near the Centre of London, I am easy to find and I enjoy a hugely diverse clientel including: Senior Executives in all areas of Banking; Management Consultants; IELTS students; Actors; Lawyers; Barristers; TV Presenters; Surgeons; Doctors; Whitehall Civil Servants; Architects;  Accountants; IT Specialists; Senior Executives in Energy companies; Senior Executives in Pharmaceutical companies; University Professors; students & CEO’s.

Speaking with confidence!

Learn Clear Standard English, excellent Elocution and enhance your Business Presentation Skills – so whether you are public speaking; presenting to camera or presenting a presentation; chatting on a first date; delivering your daughter’s wedding speech; doing an IELTS exam or entertaining clients, you will be clearly understood, dispelling any shyness & allowing your personality to shine through: thus enhancing all areas of your life…

Tailor Made Lessons

I’ll prepare a bespoke and tailor made plan for you: teaching you how to speak clearly and effectively.

We will target the vocabulary and phrases you use everyday in your business and your personal life so that you start feeling more confident after just one session! Having worked as a writer & editor, this Voice Coach can help you write your public speaking presentations as well and teach you how to perform them in an engaging way, so that people think you are a great public speaker and you can enjoy impressive results very quickly!

Hear My Voice

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For different deliveries of my voice please visit
Rachel’s Voices page

So come and learn to speak with confidence!

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Rachel is one of the most positive, productive, energetic and enthusiastic teachers it has been my pleasure to know.

Mike Kirby - Principal, Ashbourne College

Rachel takes everything you do apart and starts again with a professional rebuild including: preparation; scripting; performing; posture; breathing; vocalising and rehearsing. Incredibly useful.

Giles Rowe (CEO and CIO), Henderson Rowe

People kept shaking my hand telling me what a great job I did!

Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Rachel understands elocution & speech from every angle: physiological; sociological; historical & that, truly helped me.. Added to her vast knowledge, her positive attitude & well structured methodology, the only possible outcome, is success! 

Samuel Garcia Vega (Spanish Speaking) CVA Quant, Lloyds TSB

Rachel is an outstanding voice coach: she helped me a lot to improve my British accent .

Paul Vorobyev (Russian) Manager, Balfour Beatty

In only 3 weeks Rachel raised my IELTS mark from a 6 to an 8 ..!  Rachel is an excellent teacher: she made hard work fun and I learnt so much in a very short time. Her teaching method is very different from other people: she is the expert of correcting people’s pronunciation. 

Yunqi Zhuang (Chinese), Your Content Goes Here

Thanks to Rachel, I got 8 in IELTS I strongly believe taking her way of teaching is the easiest & quickest way to boost your IELTS score.

Atsushi Nishimoto (Japenese), Your Content Goes Here

Ava (Chinese student) got an EIGHT for speaking !!!! I was flabbergasted ! So many congratulations on your great work ! …. definitely sending more students your way.
Judith Cronin, IELTS Specialist for Written papers.

Judith Cronin, IELTS Specialist for Written papers

A very senior American lady in my team watched my presentation & told me I looked really relaxed, natural & that my voice carried well!  No microphone!

C L (British Public Speaker), F.C.A

Rachel applies herself wholeheartedly to every lesson demonstrating a wonderful mixture of professionalism, hard work, humour, eccentricity & unquestionable charm! This, coupled with a super impressive selection of herbal teas, student tailored conversation topics & genuine interest in cultural & linguistic differences – guarantees quick progress & great fun!

Anna Selwyn (Polish) Head of EOTAS, Education, Brent Council

I have been told I sound like I live part time in England & that I have an Oxford English accent!
 Lesson By

Stella Wilde (German) Financial Technical Analyst , Munich
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