Public Speaking Check List

Here is a Public Speaking Check List that will give you a framework of strategies to work through…

People often phone me in a panic, regarding their imminent public speaking event and cry, “It’s in three days! Please help!”

Then they might say, ” I have one  hour to work with you on this day – can you just go through how to do a good job please?”

This doesn’t give themselves or me, much time to make any real or significant changes for the better which is deeply frustrating for me and really sad for the person calling me.

Public speaking is a big deal and you need a Public Speaking Check List, so that you can be really prepared.

Preparing yourself properly for public speaking, whether in person or on-line is crucial: there are preparation steps you need to take so that you feel good, look good and sound good so use my Public Speaking Check List and keep it ready for the next time and every time, too!

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

We need to make sure that you have enough time to turn your ideas or written speech into a performance script – you know what you want to say – but I will teach you how to make it funny or compelling,  depending on the subject.

You need time to practice this and hone it into your style and your natural way of speaking.

This takes time. So please give yourself time – and if you want my help then give us the time to make you fabulous 🙂

We need to start preparing you way ahead of the date – this does not mean loads of lessons – this means you having time to do the preparation, learn the skills and time to practice them, before your big day.

It takes time and practice to improve public speaking skills…. and skills you do need because rarely, do people have an instinctive talent for public speaking.

Most of us have to learn how to stand well, engage our audience, speak clearly with rhythm, pitch  and resonance.

So please,  if you have an event coming up, contact me earlier than you think necessary – preferably a minimum of a month beforehand.

Now here’s your public speaking check list!

Public Speaking Check List

1. Public Speaking Check List – Writing Your Script

Writing for the spoken word is very different from writing for silent reading – such as exam or essay or even article writing.

This skill is rarely taught at school or university and we are expected to just pick this up naturally.

Well it doesn’t happen.

I have to help people unlearn how to write clause ridden sentences with complicated , long sentence structures. Or pull back from using latin based if succinct words – that a mixed audience may not know or grasp.

All of the above are perfect for the page, as the reader can backtrack, highlight and check meaning etc but unenjoyable and deeply confusing for an audience trying to keep up with you speaking.

They also have to accustoms themselves to your voice and absorb it through the medium of a sound system  whether Zoom or Teams or and or an unfamiliar place with extraneous sound

We spend all our school and college years,  learning how to write for silent reading by our teachers, professors or examiners.

Now,  we  have to completely change your writing style –  and write for your unique voice and natural syntax structure when speaking and in the rhythm that best supports your performance.

As opposed to an essay or an article you have been taught to write at school and college to pass exams or submit journalistic copy, with me, you learn how to write a performance script in your style for your voice.

2. Public Speaking Check List –  Good Posture

For public speaking you need to learn how to sit or stand, to look and feel fconfident.

Posture is so important for your feeling of well being and physical balance.

If this is done correctly your performance will come over as confident and effortless – and this is what we want!

3. Public Speaking Check List – Engage With Your Audience

Communicating rather than declamation is terribly important. You need to learn how to converse with your audience – they may not be verbally interjecting – hope not anyway unless you want that (!) but they will respond, with their eyes and body language.

You are sharing information, or stories, ideas or news and you need to respond to their responses. You are not declaiming under an up turned glass dome. There is an exchange of energy. This is a skill I can teach you.

You need enough time to learn how to entertain an audience by using your eyes, voice and timing.

4. Public Speaking Check List –  ‘Produce Yourself’

By this I mean – every film or show you watch on tv or your lap top etc – each production has a producer who keeps an eye on the over view of the whole thing.

You have to be your own producer – over you –  as the talent. This means taking an over view on your image as well as style of delivery.

Check you love what you’re going to wear; that your hair looks tidy and or glamorous;  facial hair neat;  makeup if you use it; teeth a colour you’re proud of, shoes not scuffed etc

Stand in front of a full length mirror if standing, sit if on screen with something marking off your lower body, trying out what you are going to wear and how you are going to present yourself – and squint

Yes squint.

I learned this trick from the Head of Wardrobe on the film The Holiday with Cameron Diaz – as we chose my chose my costume together, she taught me to squint when looking at myself in the full length mirror.

It really works!

You become less subjective and start to see yourself and the garments as shapes that either work well together, or don’t.

Once you feel confident about the image you are projecting, then you are free to concentrate on your verbal communication.

~ ~ ~

I hope this Public Speaking Checklist helps to make you aware of what is needed and that nobody, including Barak Obama, one of the best orators of our time, delivers public speaking without preparation and practice 🙂

And here is another article you may find useful: English Elocution and Public Speaking 

© Rachel Preece, 2021. This material may not be copied or shared without the written consent of the author.

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