Rachel Preece Voice Elocution Accent Public Speaking Coach

Trump versus Clinton: Public Speaking and Presentation Analysis

The Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, 13619932_1181179818605212_8343925786278448182_npublic speaking styles in this most recent Presidential Debate, continue to be markedly different.

I have just watched the second presidential debate between Hillary and Trump and have been so impressed by Hillary’s public speaking delivery and presentation skills.

Despite a barrage of insults, over talking, interruptions and verbal bullying from Trump, Hillary kept her cool and behaved like an exemplary stateswoman throughout.

Tump’s body language was that of a teenage bully, wandering around when Clinton was speaking and verbally interrupting her and talking over her, often blatantly delivering false accusations loudly down the microphone.

I was also astounded how the male and female questioners were cowed by Trump as he deliberated talked over them, ignored their requests to stop and always spoke loudly and close to the mic, over Hillary’s end point or after Hillary had finished even though she had had her two minutes to respond to the question after his.

This was despite the questioners asking him not to: his response was to raise the level of his voice so that the audience heard his defamatory words about Clinton at the end of each topic – always!

Contrary to Trump’s complaints, he had far more public speaking air time than Hillary, and this, as a woman, truly troubled me – that the questioners could be so inherently sexist that they didn’t even notice what they were doing.

But then, considering America had apartheid (and some would argue it is still very much alive in the justice system) till only recently (it was convenient for America that South Africa continued this cruel and inhumane system for another decade) it didn’t surprise me that they’d rather vote for a black man, than a woman. 

Well they’ve done that so what next?

A misogynist, racist, sexist bully; or a woman.

Clinton’s Public Speaking Voice Analysis

Hillary’s public speaking voice quality has been a problem. She has sounded shrill; rasping and shouty.

Using the upper range of her voice to project, when using a microphone, has disastrous effects not least on audiences but on her own vocal chords.

In this latest debate – it was obvious to me she has had excellent public speaking voice training.

She kept her voice lower and projected from her power chamber the chest (Theresa May does this) – if you want to sound powerful for public speaking – you fill your lungs with air and you centre your voice in your chest

This is naturally a lower sound, but still sounds natural. It sounds more empowered, less desperate, more in control and more confident.

It means you use the breath rather than squeezing out the sound between strained vocal chords – it means people listen to you.

They can hear your message, rather than being irritated subconsciously or conscientiously by relentless high screeching notes.

High pitched shouting for public speaking, though not good, can be acceptable in a large space that has no sound system, because the sound travels differently than from when it has been picked up by a sensitive mic and fed electronically to amplified speakers.

With the quality of today’s microphones, you do not need to raise your voice but use your voice.

Women’s voices have dropped into their bodies, radically over the last 50 years. You only have to listen to earlier films or recordings to hear the economically and socially unequal high pitched female voices of the 50’s. The women had little socio and economic power and their voices reflected that.

In this debate, Hillary let her voice resonate in her body – a few times it rose but she pulled it back down – even after the most hideous insults were hurled at her – she kept calm, she kept her voice and so she kept her power.

It is said that men’s voices are 50% lower than women’s voices – but I suspect this margin will decrease as women gain more equality. It certainly has done so in Northern European countries.

But women’s rights over their bodies have diminished in the States since 1973 and the Rowe v Wade case after which 43 states prohibit abortion unless a woman is dying.

How can the men of this country think women deserve power, if the men still in power, decide what a women does or does not, with her own body? … Young women are not allowed to have control of their own body and therefore their own destiny. And of course this way of thinking is permeated throughout the country – that women must have only limited power.

Yet Hillary has skilfully navigated these inherent predujuces against female power, worked hard and achieved much social reform for the better.

Her public speaking delivery was exceptional: to each question put to her, she stayed on the topic, answered with facts and explained strategy that was principled and well thought out.

She didn’t resort to her opponent’s mudslinging but stayed calm, listing points of evidence, summing up and concluding and with her informed opinion.

Her public speaking poise was practiced and polished and states-womanly.  Instead of instantly reacting to insults she waited until it was her time to talk and simply said things like,  this isn’t true, for example, I wasn’t in office at that time that policy was made and requested that the audience check the facts.

Quoting Michelle Obama, Hillary said, “When they go low, you go high” and she smiled on and delivered fact after fact with information and strategy for solutions, asked for by the audience.

As each member of the audience asked their question, she moved towards them and graciously focused on them until the response could be opened up to the larger audience. To her first question, she gave the person further recognition by asking them a question which validated them, showing recognition and appreciation of the individual and their experience regarding their concern.

Clinton’s Public Speaking Visual Presentation Analysis

Hillary’s presentation appearance wise, was that her hair was cut above her collar (a very sophisticated look bringing the attention firmly to her eyes and face) in  layers that were carefully blow dried off her face in flicks, for a soft glamorous look.

We Northern Europeans are not quite so desperate for our female leaders to look like glossy dolls, but in the USA this seems essential for women who have brains, to have power. Even though her male opponent looks like a cartoon character!

Anyway, good for Hillary, she’s done what she needed to do, to compete in the market she is in; and she looked fantastic.

No necklace and plain pearl earrings, lifted her face and kept her look neutral.

Again to keep her looking soft and ‘American feminine’ she wore a gold bracelet with a chunky heart, that had a key hole that looked like a love token from Bill. The inference being – I may be a woman of power but a man has the key to my heart.

And she wore it on the same hand as her wedding ring; and it was with this hand, that she gesticulated, flashing her wedding ring and love locket, giving appealing subliminal messages to those who fear a female president, namely patriarchal males.

Her dress was of course very carefully considered and her use of creamy white near her face and a fairly large expanse of creamy white over her chest area, meant the light bounced off and up beautifully on her face thus making her look invigorated and energised.

(This is why portrait photographers use a light reflector.)

She wore a navy trouser suit with creamy white lapels and a matching coloured round necked shirt. Ladies, if you are reading this and have to do some public speaking, please note the power of a trouser suit. It not only empowers you physically: greater physical relaxation as nobody is eying up your legs but you also have greater freedom of movement and you ‘look’ more powerful.

There’s a very good reason why during the First World War, when women had to work in the factories and so were first allowed to wear trousers because they had to, women have never stopped wearing them since.

There was only one point I could fault Hillary’s public speaking and it was this: when it was demanded of her that she listed some of what she had actually done, in office, as she listed off some of her extraordinary achievements – which were and are – truly remarkable – her eye level would drop with female with humility.

Women tend to do this when they are public speaking.

It is probably born out of defensive expectation of male judgement of female confidence and power, but a man would have held eye contact after delivering some of these amazing achievements; maybe even taken a pause, for those words to really sink in.. remember Cameron in the despatch box at Prime Minister’s question time.

Maybe she had been coached to do this, to appear humble in this still patriarchal society, or more likely it is a habit born out of surviving and thriving in a country that has never yet, let a woman, even as talented, clever, conscientious accomplished and experienced as Hilary, do the top job.

Until, we hope, this year….

Ladies reading this, if you are public speaking and have to list your achievements, in a board held interview for example, give a slight beat after each one and if you can, keep your head up and your eye level up.

Actors learn this – if you want something to go in to the audience’s brain because it is highly significant – maybe it drives or twists the plot– you give a slight beat afterwards (or before it as well) and keep your physicality steady, so the audience concentrates on what they’ve just heard before being distracted from what follows.

And practice your list of achievements in front of a mirror – go over and over them again and again – until you look relaxed at blowing your own trumpet without looking over confident but simply friendly and relaxed and maintaining eye contact.

Clinton’s body language other than that was superb. She balanced her weight and stayed steady, rooted down to the ground when she was standing – feet apart to hip width – and when she walked she walked with confidence directly to the person asking the question. She held her head high and used her great smile.

Moreover when Trump was speaking – she stayed respectfully still – occasionally making a note to respond to ( this is very important – do not rely on your memory) and then to insults she would raise her head gently and smile.

For your public speaking I do recommend having your teeth bleached – it really does give you the confidence to smile broadly – which she did in abundance – making her look confident and relaxed. Smiling really does help one – it sends messages to the brain and your audience helping you to feel more relaxed and them to feel you’re in control.

Another very important technique for public speaking is the employment of the Beauty or Handsome Muscles as I call them, or in technical terms, the Levator Labii.

For those of you who have studied with me – you will see Hilary uses them all the time – very effectively, brightening her tone and opening up her sound.

For those of you who have not yet studied with me, they are the little muscles next to your nose that pull your upper lip up – using these gives your voice a brighter and more attractive tone.

Observe these Lessons in Action, on the Video Link

So for public speaking lessons in action, watch the Maestro-ess (!) in public speaking – Hillary Clinton  – click on the link here –  so you can now watch what I have analysed and pointed out for you.

This means by watching for yourself and noting the public speaking techniques used,  you will ‘learn’ what I have just taught you.

And even more importantly, you’ll remember these techniques observed and analysed by me, so that you can employ them in your public speaking performances,

You will have increased your skill set and in doing so elicit support for your success, from others, right now…


© Rachel Preece, 2016. This material may not be copied or shared without the written consent of the author.





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